By Dr Suzan Caroll / Suzanne Lie – August 26, 2012
Mytre Speaks:
When I first arrived on the Arcturian Starship after “accidentally”
navigating my Scout Ship with my mind, our society in the Pleiades was
at the same stage of Ascension as your Earthly society is now. However,
when I arrived all I could do was tell the Arcturians that our planet
was under attack. Shortly after, I was taken to the Restoration Chamber.
I would like to begin this message by telling you of my experience
within the Chamber. As soon as I was in my chair and the door was
closed, I was surrounded by total darkness. At first I was a bit
disconcerted by the darkness, but slowly an inner light began to awaken
within me. I had never had an experience of perceiving this light
before. It seemed to be coming from the top of my head.
The light began to move throughout my brain, as if it were looking
for something. After an unknown period of time the source of the light
seemed to settle into the very center of my brain. From there it
projected a beam into my inner forehead, at which point I passed out.
When I awoke, I could see in the dark. I knew the room was still dark
because I was seeing through a higher frequency of vision. I could
pan-in or pan-out from what I saw without moving my head in any way. I
also realized that I could see to either side, and even behind me,
without moving my head. What I realize now is that I was seeing through
my Third Eye.
Once I had a chance to “play” with my new vision, I began to feel an
immense burning just above my heart. The burning sensation was so
intense that I was paralyzed with pain. If I moved my body in any
fashion, the pain escalated. On the other hand, if I totally relaxed
into a calm, slow breath, the pain receded. Hence, I remained totally
still for an unknown time.
I think I fell asleep, for it was not the same sensation as before
when I passed out. Either way, when I returned to an awakened state the
pain was gone, and I felt unbelievably filled with love. My wife and
daughter came into my thoughts, and I immediately saw a picture of them
in my mind. Later, much later, I learned that I had actually seen them.
I focused on our village with my mind to see if I could see anything,
but all I could receive was an intense fatigue and sense of dread. I
later learned that searching for love was an easier task than seeing
fear and violence. I also learned that the reason for this discrepancy
was to learn to follow the sensation of love during my inter-dimensional
travels. Of course, at that time, I had no idea what glory my future
would hold.
My pondering was interrupted by the opening of the door to the
Chamber, which opened quite on its own. I later learned that when the
one in the chair resonated to a certain frequency, the door
automatically opened. As I slowly stepped down from the chair, I felt a
completely unique sensation course throughout my body.
I had no idea what that sensation was, but it was quite blissful. I
later learned that my entire body had been re-calibrated to the
fifth-dimensional frequency of resonance. However, I could only maintain
the gift of higher resonance that I was given by the Arcturians by
learning to be the Master of ALL my thoughts and emotions. This mastery
was no easy task, but I did achieve it because the reward was so
Once I found how to balance my new legs, I slowly walked through the
door and out of the Chamber. I then entered a quiet corridor. The floor
felt more like a cloud than the ground, but I was not sure if it was the
floor or my new body. I later found that it was both. The corridor was
empty, but I felt the thoughts of the crewmembers as if they were there
with me.
The thoughts of so many people swirling through my mind gave me a
headache and a feeling of nausea. I put my hand out to hold onto the
wall for stability and was instantly overwhelmed by information
regarding ALL the workings of the Ship. Fortunately, I heard a quiet
instruction emanating from my heart, which was another novel experience,
that instructed me to close my eyes and go deep into my own Core.
I was not sure what “going into my Core” meant, but I correctly
imagined that it meant to find my own Center. When I focused on the
Center of myself, I could find a place of peace and, even, quiet. Within
that quiet I realized that I was hearing these voices from within
myself rather than through my physical ears.
I found my Center again so that I could balance my body enough to
stand on my own. I then gradually opened my eyes and saw the smiling
face of an Arcturian. “Very good,” It spoke. (Arcturians are androgynous
even when they are wearing a form.) “Follow me,” it said, as it led the
way. It could tell that I was still disoriented and kept a slow pace.
At first I did not see much of the Ship, as I had to keep my eyes
focused on the Arcturian to avoid further dizziness. However, as I
continued to walk, I became steadier on my new feet. I had a million
questions to ask but knew that I had to respect their means of teaching
The Arcturian led me to a Debriefing Room, where I told them
everything that was happening on my planet, as well as everything that
happened to me on the Ship. After my meeting I was taken to my own
quarters, shown how to operate the replicator to make myself some food,
and encouraged to relax and get some sleep. I did everything I was asked
to do, except sleep.
I tossed and turned and could not stop thinking long enough to
surrender to sleep. I had so many questions. Why did they leave me here
alone? What was going to happen next? How were Mytria and my infant
daughter? How was my planet? Did the Arcturians save them? And on, and
on, and on…
Finally my door buzzed, and I invited an unknown Being to enter. I
say “Being” because my unbidden communications revealed that there were
Beings from all over the Galaxy aboard this Ship. Fortunately, when the
door opened it was an Arcturian who entered. I had had enough surprises
for a while.
With a slight smile, the Arcturian said, “How are you doing with mastery of your thoughts?”