By Dr Suzan Caroll / Suzanne Lie – August 25, 2012
Dear Arcturians,
I have been feeling the beginning of this message inside. Can you continue the rest of your message now?
Good Morning Suzille,
Yes, we were speaking with you in your sleep last night, but you were
too tired to bring forward any of our message. However, you couldn’t
remember the first few words, which have actually been in your mind for
quite a while. Furthermore, we had to present the dynamics of higher
thought before you and your readers would be able to deeply understand
what we are about to say.
Our Dear One, we have spoken to you for many of your years, but we
wish to tell you that we are about to take a quantum leap in the
information that we send you. Previously, it was unsafe to send you
certain information and/or your mind was not ready to receive it.
However, the world is much lighter now and the danger of offering the
TRUTH is greatly diminished.
Therefore, we have decided to share some unique information through
you and through many other Earth Representatives. We prefer not to use
the word channel, as a channel is erroneously thought of as one who is
not of our Beingness. Of course, those through whom we speak, in fact
everyone, is ONE with our Being, for we resonate to the eighth through
tenth dimensions of formless unity with ALL life. However, we will be
moving into a higher frequency, just as you will.
In fact, all life in this Universe is experiencing an Octave Jump in
resonance. There are some who will not be able to participate in that
leap in vibration, so they will be relocated to another Universe. They
will not be aware of their relocation, and will likely experience Gaia’s
Ascending reality as an “interesting dream.” They will have no sorrow,
as they will not know that they have left.
They will not know that their reality has changed because they were
not even awake within the Ascending Earth reality. Therefore, they will
continue to slumber within the reality that will be new to them, but
they will not know that it is new. Now, we hear your question of, “What
about those who care for them? Will those who remain in this reality
miss these people?”
Our answer is that anyone who is awake enough to read this message is
already the creator of his or her reality. If that creator wants to
create a reality in which they are with that person or persons, they can
offer a thought-form filled with their love in which that person can
leave a component of his or her Essence. Then, that person will have the
opportunity to remain within this world, while they are still
bi-located into their other reality.
You must remember now that ALL of you, even if you are deeply asleep,
have myriad realities in which you participate because you are ALL
multidimensional. Therefore, the force of LOVE that offers a
thought-form in which the sleeping one can continue to experience your
Ascending reality will be added to their reality in the other Universe.
Remember, Ascension does not mean that you lose anything. Ascension
means that you can experience myriad choices of reality within the ONE
of the NOW. Even if one’s grounded form is asleep, their Soul is
infinitely awake. Therefore, if this loved one’s Soul chooses to accept
the thought-form you have offered, which will appear to be fully
physical, your love can offer him or her an extended stay within your
Ascending reality.
If that loved one chooses to keep a portion of their essence within
your Ascending reality, they will have a “higher reality” to serve as a
strong base from which they can be a leader in their reality in the
other Universe. They can choose to pull out of the other reality and
focus on the process of Ascension. Or, they can choose to pull out of
the thought-form body that your great LOVE has created for them.
We know that the concept we have presented appears impossible to your
third dimensional thinking. However, embracing the impossible is one of
the most important changes you will be making during your Ascension.
Another challenging issue will be whether or not you will continue your
Ascension if this loved one pulls out of the thought-form you have
created with your love.
You can either respond as an Ascending One and KNOW that there is NO
death. From this perspective you will remember that this person has
chosen a reality different than the one that you have chosen, and you
will lovingly respect their choice.
On the other hand, you may be so attached to that person that you
choose to delay your own Ascension to remain with your loved one. The
thought form that you created for them is very real. In fact, you may
not even be aware that YOU have created it for them.
All the forms that you are holding in your current vibration are a
type of thought-form. Thought-forms are created by your ever-growing
creative force, which is expanding exponentially as you enter the
threshold to the fifth dimension. A thought-form is created with the
power of your multidimensional thought and filled with your
unconditional love. This thought-form is then kept “alive” by the power
of your thought.
If you take all your thoughts away from a thought-form, including
your own earth vessel, it will begin to degrade in structure and
eventually “leave this frequency”. We realize that “leaving” has been
experienced as “death” in your frequency of reality. However, as you
continue your Ascension, you will experience the coming and leaving of
many different beings in myriad versions of reality.
After you have had these experiences, you will remember that if
someone chooses to leave your personal choice of reality, it does not
mean that that person dies. It only means that that person’s Soul has
chosen a version of reality that you do not choose to experience. Some
of you may even visit your loved one in that version of reality.
However, if you stay too long, you will have to decide if you so deeply
want to remain with that person that you will lower your resonance to be
with them.
Fortunately, from the fifth dimensional perspective, that choice will
only mean that that particular version of your infinite
Multidimensional SELF has made the choice to forgo that particular
experience of Ascension. However, you are experiencing a unique form of
Ascension in which you are ascending in Oneness with your planet, Gaia.
It is difficult enough to transmute the mass of one human form into
Lightbody. Can you imagine how much more difficult it is to transmute
the mass of an entire planet?
Every human who pitches in with the planetary Ascension is vital for
Gaia’s success. After all, humanity in its current form, as well as its
many Galactic forms, is primarily responsible for Gaia’s great fall into
the depths of the third dimension. Hence, many of the Ascending Ones
are fully aware that they have chosen to take personal responsibility to
assist the planet that has allowed them myriad incarnations.
Therefore, just as one may need to move away from loved ones because
of important commitments they have made, some of you may need to move
away from loved ones because you have made a commitment to Gaia.
However, in this case, it will not be you, but your loved ones, who
will move away. They did not choose to do the deep introspection and
conscious commitment to your SELF that you have engaged in. Hence, they
will not be able to match the resonance of Ascending Earth.
This introspection was not to make you better or teach you how to
Ascend. NO, this introspection was to guide you into the KNOWING that
you are already a higher dimensional being in myriad realities.
Therefore, your inner search was not to learn to improve, but to
remember to connect with that which you have always known.
Please remember that the loved one who has not chosen to Ascend will
meet with you in their fifth dimensional essence once you Ascend. Hence,
when you merge, Ascend into, your fifth-dimensional-and-beyond
expression of SELF, you will be able to connect with the
fifth-dimensional-and-beyond expression of the loved one that you
thought you had lost.
There is NO losing in Ascension. The third dimensional expression of
the person who chose NOT to engage in the experience of planetary
Ascension actually chose to leave Gaia. Gaia needs every one of Her
humans to work WITH Her. Every ONE of you must take a paddle and row
this earth ship Home. There are many reasons why some grounded ones
cannot contribute to Gaia’s Ascension.
Some of them are trapped in darkness and cannot look inward to find
their own Inner Light. Others do not welcome a fifth dimensional reality
because they feel complete with their process of being third
dimensional. Others cannot believe in the impossible, and they would
rather hold on to old beliefs than enter the unknown. Then, some are
just too tired and beaten down from their Earth life to have the energy
to embrace the unknown of Ascension.
Embracing the unknown is one of the Keys to Ascension. We, The
Arcturians, cannot tell you what you will experience without damaging
the beautiful individuality that you have developed during your myriad
incarnations on Earth. You will all collect your many individual
experiences of being human on 3D Earth and offer them to the ONE upon
your Ascension.
The beauty is that, just as you have all chosen innumerable versions
of creating your life on Earth, you will all choose countless versions
of your personal and planetary Ascension. The changes in your reality
will be coming sudden and swift now. Therefore, do not begrudge those
who cannot tolerate their entire world shifting before their eyes.
Please use the great power of your unconditional love to respect
everyone’s choices of how they will deal with the transformation of all
that they have known. You will meet their fifth dimensional expression
of SELF upon your Ascension. Therefore, we ask that you respect
everyone’s decision. On the other hand, if one makes decisions that are
destructive or burdensome to planetary Ascension, they will not be able
to match Gaia’s ever-ascending frequency.
Those who cannot, or will not, match the resonance of Ascending Earth
will not be able to maintain an open portal from their High Heart into
Gaia’s Ascending reality. Hence, they will not be able to focus their
attention and intention on the higher frequencies enough to perceive the
Ascending reality. In this case, they will experience the chaos without
the promise of change. This situation would be very frightening.
We do not want anyone to be frightened. Therefore, they will be
shifted into a reality in which they can maintain the highest frequency
of expression that is possible for their current state of consciousness.
Just as you must match your resonance with a given reality during your
inter-dimensional travel in order to interact with that reality,
Ascending Ones will need to match their personal frequency with the
escalating frequency of Earth.
Fortunately, there are many humans incarnated on Earth who can easily
expand their consciousness beyond the ever-rising frequencies of Gaia.
These Ascending Ones will “clear the path” for Gaia by creating and
holding higher frequency energy fields into which Earth can transmute
Her form. We in the higher frequencies are observing the personal
changes and sacrifices that these ones are making to assist their
beloved planed and to fulfill their Mission.
Please remember that those who are choosing to leave Gaia rather than
hold Her back are also fulfilling their Mission. In other words, “Do
not judge another until you have walked a mile in their shoes.” And,
most important of all, do NOT allow ANY fear to enter into your
consciousness and lower your resonance.
You are being called into duty NOW! Remember all that you have
learned in your countless lives on Earth. Remember all your experiences
of Ascension on any reality in which you have ascended. Most important
of all, remember that you are not alone – ever! We, your Galactic,
Celestial and Ascended Family are ALWAYS with you.
Walk in courage our beloved ones. We are right beside you.