By Dr Suzan Caroll / Suzanne Lie – August 29, 2012
Mytre Continues:
When the Arcturian kindly mentioned my thinking, I had to laugh. I
realized that my out-of-control thinking was partially because I had
been recalibrated to a frequency of resonance that I had never
experienced before.
I also recognized that I was frightened because my thoughts and
emotions were out of alignment with my new body. I remembered the Elohim
that Mytria and I had met within the Womb of the Mother long, long ago.
However, I had never met an Arcturian, much less experienced a
frequency rate of beingness that allowed me to perceive and interact
with them.
“Good,” spoke the Arcturian standing just inside my doorway. “You
have correctly discerned that we took you to the Restoration Room to
expand your resonance. You were taken there because you passed a major
initiation of mastering your thoughts and perceiving with your
I had no idea what perceiving with my emotions meant, but I was very
clear about my difficulty in mastering my thoughts. On the other hand,
when I was flying the Ship with my mind, I had only one thought, and I
felt that thought with every cell of my body.
“Follow me,” the Arcturian directed, but I saw no movement of its
mouth. Furthermore, I heard its message inside my heart instead of
through my ears. However, the Arcturian did not explain what I was
experiencing. With a knowing smile, it turned and walked away. I was
very groggy from lack of sleep and intense anxiety, but I woke up
quickly in my vain attempt to keep up with it.
For starters, the Arcturian did not actually walk. It moved just
above the ground. In fact, I sensed that it could just blink itself to
its destination, but was only using its present archaic locomotion for
my benefit. I was clear that I had a lot to learn if I was to remain on
this Starship.
The Arcturian guided me into what was likely a holosuite, because it
was a huge area with a beautiful lake, warm sun, and a soft breeze that
gently moved the leaves on the many trees. In fact, it was the exact
area where I first met Mytria. With that realization, a rush of deep
loneliness and sorrow rushed through me.
“You have been through a great change,” the Arcturian said. “ We have
created a familiar place for you to rest and become accustomed to your
new frequency of form. You may use your mind to call up anyone that you
wish to visit.”
“But, will they be real?” I asked.
“What do you mean by real?” The Arcturian asked.
I did not even know how to answer that question, so I stumbled around
and said: “You know, real in that it is not just my imagination.”
“Everything is your imagination,” the Arcturian said as it turned and left the lake, the holosuite, or was it the reality?
Unfortunately, I could not ask these questions because the Arcturian
was suddenly gone. Obviously, I was on the fast-track of learning, and I
had to stop questioning and start remembering what had happened to me
on the Ship.
Therefore, I started to call up the illusion, hologram or reality of
my shipmates to ask them what they had seen. That was when I remembered
that they must be on the Starship too. Before I had a chance to ponder
that question, all three of my crewmates, including the one who had
died, appeared before me.
I was overwhelmed to see someone who I watched die standing in front
of me. Maybe he was a hologram, but if he was, I didn’t want to be the
one to break it to him.
“We brought you some food,” they said.
We sat down on a flat rock and ate our simple food while we all
pretended that this experience was normal, and I tried to figure out if
it was real.