By Dr Suzan Caroll / Suzanne Lie – September 1, 2012
When I awoke the next morning I was so excited that I couldn’t get
dressed quickly enough. (Morning was a chosen cycle rather than rising
of the Sun, as we were in outer space. Thus, it was always “night”
outside the Ship.)
I was in such a hurry to dress that I put my jacket on inside out and
had to take even more “time” to take my jacket off and put it back on
correctly. (Time was another decided event as the Arcturians live within
the ever-present NOW.)
I restrained myself from running through the Corridors to the
Collective Dining Area, again not necessary for Arcturians do not eat
food. When I entered the busy room I was surprised to see my two
crewmates. No, my other friend was not resurrected. I walked swiftly
over to them and embraced them both.
It appears that they were waiting for me. We all went to get our
food, which was an experience in itself. Since there were members of the
Ship from all over our Galaxy, and beyond, we were presented with a
vast array of food. I chose a simple Pleiadian breakfast dish, as did my
two friends. However, the humorous discussion about our many culinary
choices set a welcomed tone of camaraderie and happiness.
My friends were very happy because they were about to take a Shuttle
Craft back to our new Homeworld in the Pleiades. They expected that I
would be joining them and were very disappointed to hear that I would
stay with the Arcturians. I was, of course, struck with great guilt when
they asked how I could stay away from Mytria and our new baby. They
also wanted to know if I had clearance from our Commander to remain with
the Arcturians.
When I told them that I had gained the proper clearance, I also had
to tell them that I could not share why. I hated to keep a secret from
my friends with whom I had just shared a near-death experience, but how
could I tell them what I was learning. Our conversation soon degraded
from friendly camaraderie to uncomfortable discussion about their return
and my staying.
Finally, I had to make an excuse to leave, as the guilt of staying
away from my family and my Homeworld was overpowering. Instead of the
welcoming warm embraces of our first greeting, we ended with a rather
stiff handshake, as I tried to slowly leave the room. “Well, so much for
my first glorious day of training,” I thought as I left the room.
A huge black cloud was over my head as I walked, face looking down,
through the corridor. In fact, I was so absorbed in my self-pity that I
almost ran into my Arcturian mentor. Running into a Light Being is a
very unique experience, as I literally walked INTO it.
When I did so, I was surrounded by such illumination and
unconditional love that I fell onto the floor as if I had been wounded.
In actuality, my wounded self fell to the floor. At the same time, I
could feel another part of me, I guess it was my own Lightbody, rise up
above me. I felt like two extreme polarities of one person.
The confusion of my wounded self and the enlightenment of my
Lightbody was such a unique experience that I almost passed out with the
effort to expand my consciousness to these extremes. Fortunately, the
Arcturian came to my assistance by reaching down and gently touching the
back of the wounded one’s heart.
Instantly, my Light SELF rushed into my physical heart and, with no
effort, I stood up. When I did so, I realized that the Arcturian was
floating above the ground and its face was out of vision. In fact, its
face was more of a radiant light with two focus points that I imagined
were its eyes.
It was talking with me telepathically, but I could not hear. My
physical distance from its heart and eyes made me believe that I could
not hear its telepathic message. Of course, the thought was nonsense,
but it was the thought that came into me.
Was that thought actually the message? Then I realized that the
Arcturian was telling me to levitate myself up to the level in which I
could be closer to its head and heart. Yes, levitate, I told myself. I
tried to remember how I did that before, but I couldn’t remember how.
After I tried and tried, I became frustrated. No! I became angry. How
can this Arcturian expect so much of me? I have only been on this
infinitely huge ship a few days. I have just gotten a new body and
deserted my family and my Homeworld so that they can teach me to fly!
There was my guilt, peppered with anger. What had I done? Had I made
the right decision? Was I good enough to fulfill their huge expectations
of me?
And on and on… I then heard, VERY LOUDLY, “How are you doing with mastering of your thinking?”
Arcturian humor! They had the ability to be funny. The concept of
this immense Light Being hovering over my head and making a joke set me
into uncontrolled laughter.
The laughing released the anger, released the guilt and released the
sorrow, which was the foundation for the guilt and anger. The laughing
became more controllable and slowly morphed into a sensation of joy.
I closed my eyes in appreciation of the joy, which then expanded the
joy into love. At this point the Arcturian touched the very top of my
head, and I felt the most extreme bliss I had ever experienced. The
bliss continued until I bumped my head on the ceiling of the Corridor.
Did I hear the Arcturian laugh?
I fell to the ground in a rather undignified manner and looked up to
see the Arcturian smiling. It reached down to touch me, and we blinked
into another area of the Ship. This means of transportation was quite
exhilarating. I felt no experience of moving. I call it “blinked to
another area,” because it seemed to me that I was one place, then my
eyes closed for a blink of “time,” and my eyes opened to a different
In this case, I assumed it was another holosuite for we were standing
on a rocky cliff looking at constellations and galaxies in space that I
had never seen. “Were are we?” I asked. “Are we in another holosuite?”
He instructed me to blink again, and I opened my eyes to the familiar
vision of the constellations above my Homeworld in the Pleiades.
I tried to be polite when I said, “Is this a hologram or is it real?”
“Is there a difference?” was the response that I heard.
I would have to think before I asked my next question. Or maybe I
should not ask any questions. I had learned so far that a question
answered just led to another question. Therefore, I decided to wait and
allow the Arcturian to continue with whatever point it was making.
I watched silently as many beautiful visions of constellations and
galaxies filled my vision. As the beauty overtook my thoughts, I began
to realize that each vision created a different sensation within my
At that point, I again saw the first constellation that I was shown.
However, this time I remembered to FEEL every sensation that filled my
body, every emotion that arose from those sensations and to listen to
every thought that came into my mind.
We went through the cycle of constellations and galaxies many times.
Each time, I was able to FEEL the sensations, emotions and thoughts that
were initiated by each vision. It was then that I heard the word,
“Signature Frequency.”
Yes, I got it. Each world has a Signature Frequency. By then, I had
recognized some of the stars, constellations and galaxies and realized
how the Signature Frequency gave infinitely more informative than the
titles that we had given them.
I turned toward the Arcturian to tell it that I understood, but it
was gone. However, I heard a clear message in my heart that I was to
stay there until I had memorized every Signature Frequency.