
Aquarius August 2011

Aquarius August 2011: "The NEW MOON at the end of July is opposite Aquarius which means August may be a difficult month because your ego and your will may get in the way of achieving what you want. You may feel like you are banging your head against a brick wall because other people just don’t make things easy for you. They appear to oppose your efforts and challenge who you are, so you have to fight to express your true identity and to reach your goals. These other people, especially men and bosses etc, are getting their back up because they may find you coming on too strong, too egocentric.

This is a time to step back from the situation which is causing difficulty and work out why you are getting these reactions from people. You may have to tone down your self assertion and think about what you are really trying to achieve, and if this is the best option for you. For Aquarius 1st decan this will last all of August. For Aquarius 2nd and 3rd decans, the Full Moon on August 13 is in Aquarius which has a similar effect as described above and will last for the second half of August.

For all Aquarius, VENUS opposite your Sun does increase activity in the love and relationship department, and you will feel like indulging in pleasure more than going to work. Relationships should go well but there may be troubles if you lower you standards, thereby entering a new relationship that is really not in your best interests. You could also be inclined to push too hard, resulting in disappointment from unrequited love. Lack of discipline and overindulgence are other things to be mindful of at the moment, not the best time to go on a spending spree or to ask for favors especially borrowing money. Think twice about going into debt now as this could cause problems down the track. Aquarius 1st decan between August 1 to 5, 2nd decan from August 6 to 13, and Aquarius 3rd decan from August 14 to 21.

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