By Dr Suzan Caroll / Suzanne Lie – October 31, 2012
Oversoul of the Mothership
Where we left off:
The growing fear made the situation go from what was once
positive into something that had become very negative. Fortunately, some
of the individuals found a new kind of courage – the courage to
As these brave humanoids allowed themselves to remember their
roots, they remembered their Arcturian family who had never taken forms.
Finally, the formless Arcturians could communicate with their family
members who had become lost in their own judgment. (See 10-22-12 Blog)
Mytre continues:
The First Ones to Awaken
In the last message the Arcturians wanted to interrupt the
Mothership’s story of Arcturian Ascension to talk about Portals. Portals
are an important component in Ascension, as they are openings into the
multidimensional aspects of all life.
When the Arcturians who had become lost in form began to remember
their roots, they wanted to join with their Arcturian family.
Unfortunately, this re-joining would not be as simple as they desired.
Much had occurred in their consciousness since they forgot who they
were. For hundreds of thousands of turns of their planet, they believed
they were separate. Within that belief in separation, grievous actions
were committed. The Awakening Ones had created injury to the others and
to the planet.
Hence, to fully awaken, the Awakening Ones would have to heal the
injury they had caused. Perhaps then, they could reunite with their
family who had remained in a formless state. First, the Awakening Ones
would have to forgive themselves for doing harm to others.
Then, they would have to forgive themselves for falling into such a
low state of consciousness that they believed that they were separate
from their Arcturian family. Believing that they were separate from
their Family had caused a deep loneliness, which had festered into fear.
This fear gave them permission to do harm to others.
Only the healing force of love could heal the scars that their fear
had created. But where would they begin? What and/or whom were they
supposed to love? They were stumped by this question for a long time
before they realized that any permanent solution must begin at the
source of the problem.
However, what was that source? Oh yes, judgment is where it all
began. Since judgment had begun this cycle of fear – hurt – more fear,
only the opposite of judgment could complete this cycle. But what was
the opposite of judgment? They pondered this question for more cycles of
the illusion of time.
Finally, after many attempts to find the opposite of judgment, they
found the answer. The healing for judgment was forgiveness. In fact, to
truly clear all judgment, the forgiveness must be unconditional. They
also realized that the ones they had to forgive were not just the ones
they had judged, but also the ones who had made the judgments –
However, they did not know how to forgive themselves. They believed
that first they would need to be forgiven by a Being higher and grander
than them. Since they held that belief, they made this true. They
believed this Higher Being was the Collective of the formless
The important part of this belief was that it encouraged them to
communicate with their formless Arcturian family. But, how would they
communicate with a Being that they could not perceive? Perhaps they
could open a kind of Portal through which they could transmit their need
for assistance.
Fortunately, a Portal is a multidimensional tunnel through which they
could connect with increasingly higher octaves of their SELF. Hence, in
order to continue their quest to communicate with the Formless Ones,
they would have to connect with their own higher expressions of SELF. In
this manner the Awakened Ones commenced their journey back to SELF.
The Merging of the Portal Openers
Fortunately, the Awakened Ones were persistent and very determined.
Hence, they became the Portal Openers, and Portals into the higher
dimensions began to open. When the Portal Openers sent their
consciousness through the Higher Dimensional Portals, they became aware
of their own multidimensional nature.
Furthermore, as the Portal Openers connected with higher and higher
frequencies of their Expression of SELF, they developed a deeper and
deeper connection with their Formless Family of Light. Eventually, they
came to understand that their Formless Family was indeed their SELF at a
higher frequency of reality.
With this new belief about the nature of their true SELF, they could
more readily accept the flow of unconditional love, which had always
been flowing from the Formless Ones. Since unconditional love carries
the gift of personal and planetary transmutation, the Formless Ones
became known as the Transmuters.
The first, and most obvious advantage of the acceptance of the
unconditional love was that it allowed the Portal Openers to love all of
life, free of any judgment. Another important consequence of accepting
the unconditional love was that it transmuted the Portal Opener’s
judgment into forgiveness.
Because the Portal Openers accepted this unconditional love and
allowed it to transmute their judgment into forgiveness, their myriad
fears were transmuted into love. The return of the FEEL of love urged
the Portal Openers to believe again in their Multidimensional SELF.
Hence, the Portal Openers found the courage to open more and more
Portals into the unknown. As they opened these Portals, they
increasingly cleared fear from themselves and from their planet. Thus,
as they healed themselves they healed their Arcturian Family who was
holding the form of the Planet.
As fear was cleared from their consciousness, they no longer reacted
to the fear of others or the judgment that arose from that fear. Also,
as the fear was cleared from the Planetary Arcturians, they could begin
to heal the many wounds that had been created by the fearful, Humanoid
Knowing that the creators of fear were driven by fear, allowed the
Portal Openers to unconditionally love those who were still lost in
their judgment of others. With the release of all fear of judgment from
these Lost Ones, the Portal Openers began to unite with each other in a
very intimate manner.
In fact, the Portal Openers were moving into a state of Unity
Consciousness with each other, which felt vaguely familiar. Gradually,
they began to remember how once they were all ONE. This memory planted
the first seed of Unity Consciousness within the planet.
The Expansion of Unity Consciousness
Unity Consciousness with the Planet, actually meant Unity with the
Arcturians who were the holders of the form of the Planet. Unity with
the Planet had to occur because the humanoids WERE the Planet. Just as
some Arcturians (actually pre-Arcturians) had chosen to BE humanoids,
others had chosen to BE the Planet. In fact, these Arcturians who had
chosen to BE the Planet had taken on a denser matter than they had ever
known. Thus, they too were lost in form.
However, if the Portal Openers were to have Unity Consciousness with
their Planet, they would have to return to Unity consciousness with ALL
humanoids. In other words, they would need to include the Lost Ones in
their Unity Consciousness. In this manner, they could know that they had
totally released their judgment.
Meanwhile, there were still many humanoids lost in their own
judgment. Therefore, they lived in the fear and separation that judgment
created. However, they did NOT want to change. They had experienced
Power Over the others, and enjoyed that sensation. It had been so long
since they had experienced unity that they only believed in separation.
Hence, they continued to create separation by desiring the sensation of
Power Over others.
On the other hand, the Portal Openers were finding many Portals into
the Planet, but they did not know how to open them. They imagined they
would be opened in the same manner as the Higher Dimensional Portals
were opened; however they did not really understand how they had opened
the Higher Dimensional Portals.
They suspected that it had something to do with accepting the
unconditional love sent to them by the Transmuters. Since the Portal
Openers had established a line of communication with the Transmuters,
they asked them how the Higher Dimensional Portals had been so easily
The formless Transmuters replied, “Our dear Portal Openers. The
Higher Dimensional Portals opened so easily because we are ONE Being. We
are YOU in the form of a humanoid, and you are US in a formless state
of multidimensional light and unconditional love.”
This answer was all they could receive. Some of Portal Openers were
so confused by this answer that they did not give it any thought.
However, other Portal Openers allowed this answer to live in their
Heart, where they did not need to think about it, they could always FEEL
Unfortunately, the Arcturians who were the holders of the form of the
Planet had largely lost all Unity Consciousness with their Arcturian
Family who lived in a formless state in the higher frequencies around
the Planet. However, the Deep Core of the Planet had remained connected
to its formless, Arcturian Source.
The Planetary Core could FEEL the Portal Opener’s desire to open the
Planetary Portals, but the Living Core could not remember how to send
unconditional love as their formless family had so easily done. Perhaps
the Core could accept the unconditional love sent from the Formless
Ones, just as the humanoids as done.
A Problem With The Lost Ones
At the same time, the Lost Ones who had not become Portal Openers
still believed in separation and judgment. Fortunately the Flow of
unconditional love that the Portal Openers had accepted was so strong
that the Lost Ones could vaguely feel it, but wondered if they were
“good enough” to receive it.
This judgment of themselves and of the unconditional love created
fear. Then, their fear created even more judgment, which created more
separation. In response to their growing fear, the Lost Ones, who
believed in separation, created a separate “God”.
They could not believe in unconditional love, so they believed in a
God that sent love to ONLY the chosen ones. Hence, the Lost Ones
developed rituals and tests to make them good enough to receive love
from the separate God high above them in a separate world. The Lost Ones
had no idea that their God was their own SELF in its original, formless
state of multidimensional light and unconditional love.
The formless Arcturians realized that they had to assist the Lost
Ones before they created even more judgment, fear and separation. Thus,
the formless Arcturians realized that they had to transmute every
molecule of matter back into light.
Thus, they created the Arcturian Corridor.