
Taurus October 2011

All Taurus decans get Mars square their Sun for October 2011 creating a buildup of energy inside and a strong desire to assert your will power in an aggressive manner. The energy creates tension and frustration which can lead to outbursts of temper if you don’t get your way. Difficulties in all relationships and especially in love relationships can occur at this time if you force your desires onto other people. They they will react just as strongly and test your will and challenge what you are trying to achieve. The best way to handle this trying time is to try and see things from the other persons perspective and give a little ground.

You may have to reach some compromise and ease off a bit. Once this transit has passed then you will be better able to go after your desires without the arguments and all the tension. Exercise, sport and sex are good ways to release this irritating buildup hot Mars energy. For Taurus decan 1 this lasts between September 19 – October 5, decan 2 from October 6 – 22, and for decan 3 this transit lasts from October 23 to Novemeber 10.

All Taurus decans also have Venus in their opposite sign during October. The planet of love and money should increase activity in the relationship department, and you will feel like indulging in pleasure more than going to work. Relationships should go well but there may be troubles if you lower you standards, thereby entering a new relationship that is really not in your best interests. You could also be inclined to push too hard, resulting in disappointment from unrequited love. Lack of discipline and overindulgence are other things to be mindful of at the moment, not the best time to go on a spending spree or to ask for favors especially borrowing money. Think twice about going into debt now as this could cause problems down the track. For Taurus decan 1 this is between October 9 – 16, for decan 2 from October 17 – 24, and decan 3 bewteen October 25 and November 1.

From: http://ping.fm/q8fln

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