
Suzanne Lie: Conversation With My Self – Part 2

By Dr Suzan Carrol / Suzanne Lie – July 28, 2012

Opening The High Heart Portal

Suzille: Mytre, It is I Suzille. I had my first experience of opening my Personal Portal. I was not expecting it, nor did I try to do it. I just fell into a meditation with no forethought. It took me over. After I meditated for a while, a long white arm with a white hand, which was all I could see, pushed a door open.

I am now in a small cabin in the high mountains, but I saw through the Portal what looked like the ocean by my home – perhaps it was my fifth dimensional “Home?” I walked, floated through the round opening and stepped onto the sand. However, the sand did not feel like sand. It felt like walking on a cloud.

As I stepped onto the sand/cloud, I did not fall through. Instead, I walked in a floating kind of way to the edge of where the waves were gently lapping against the shore. In my physical life, I have often sat at the edge of the waves with my feet in the water and my body on the wet sand.

The Arcturians: The Birth of New Earth

By Dr Suzan Caroll / Suzanne Lie – July 8, 2012

Greetings dear Ascending Ones,
We the Arcturians are here to assist you during your Ascension. As we look into your aura, we see that your ego is diminishing more each day. Whereas once your ego was a dominating component of your ability to survive physical embodiment, now it is becoming a manner of functioning in a reality that is coming into completion.

Feel how your once dominant ego, with its many wounds and protective devices, has become an “old fashioned way to deal with daily life”…

Now, feel how your mind has expanded into its innate multidimensional thinking and your heart has transmuted its energy into unconditional love…

Feel how this force of unconditional love expands your consciousness beyond your third dimensional earth vessel, through your fourth dimensional aura, and into the fifth dimensional reality of your choice…

Which reality do you choose to experience?

Do you wish to experience a reality of flowing, unconditional love and expanding light? Or, do you wish to experience a reality of frightening possibilities?

Can you remember that you DO have the choice?

The Arcturians: We Hear You Call

By Dr Suzan Caroll / Suzanne Lie – July 2, 2012

Our Dear Ascending Ones,
We have heard your call, but many of you were too tired to hear our response. When you become fatigued it is difficult to maintain a level of consciousness that is high enough to perceive and translate our Light Language into your Earth language.

However, we want you to know that we respond to every call from our Ascending Ones, even if they cannot perceive our return communication. We will now tell you what we have been experiencing within your essence, as many of you have are having difficulty understanding how you have been feeling.

You, our third dimensional expressions, are feeling that something is changing on a very basic level. By “basic” we mean that life, as you know it, is on the cusp of infinite change. This infinite change begins at a cellular level and expands to encompass all that you are and everything that makes up your reality. This basic change, that appears to arise from a cellular level, is actually arising from the very matrix of the your third dimensional reality.

The “time” is nigh and those who are awakened can feel it. You are feeling a strange mix of sorrow and joy, love and of fear, as well as excitement and foreboding. You see, our Dear Ones, you are Ascending NOW. Hence, all polarities are blurring towards the “in-between.” We have spoken much of the “in-between” in which the extremes of your polarized reality merge towards the center. This merging occurs within the center for this “Center” is the NOW.

Arcturian Meditation: A Visit to New Earth Part 2


By Dr Suzan Caroll / Suzanne Lie – July 2, 2012

Dear Ascending Ones,
We, the Arcturians, are so joyous to see that you have returned for another visit to New Earth, the Earth that YOU are creating. Before we begin our journey, we wish to remind you that long before there was time, there was life. Sentient life has many forms. It is also formless. You are about to make the shift from “having a form that contains your consciousness” to “being an consciousness that wears a form.”

The body that you create and wear in any given reality is calibrated to filter in the signature frequency of that reality. This filter assists you to perceive the frequency patterns of that reality in forms of images and beings instead of pure energy. We will now assist you to perceive the YOU within, as well as beyond, your body.

Suzan Caroll: Ascending Gaia

By Dr Suzan Caroll – June 8, 2012

I woke up this morning with an instruction to tell you all to gather in groups of four – four is the number of foundations – to assist in raising the foundation of the 3D/4D Matrix into the fifth dimension. How will you do this? Ask inside. Inside is where all the answers are.

I was instructed by the Arcturians last week to gather in a group of four and begin a Unity Consciousness creation. It does not matter what your creation is, for whatever it is, the unity of your consciousness of four people serving as ONE vortex of unconditional love will assist in raising Gaia’s consciousness as well.

Just as our consciousness automatically expands when we are with a group of loving people working as ONE to create something together, so does the consciousness of Gaia. When you meet in your group of four, it does not matter if you are physically together. It is only important that your consciousness is merged into ONE Being of Light.

Then as ONE Being of Light, you all go into your higher states of consciousness and meet with each other, while you stay grounded to Gaia’s earth with your physical form. It may even be better if your groups meet in a non-physical manner, such as on the phone or via Skype.

The important thing that I am getting is that there are four people in the group, as 4 builds foundations. Once the four of you are together, unite your consciousness and then as ONE group raise your consciousness together – as ONE Being. Most important, don’t forget to take Gaia with you!

Suzan Caroll: A Day with Venus

By Dr Suzan Caroll – June 6, 2012

(After I had my healing experience, I could barely stay awake, so I was unable to post this article until today. This is the same thing that happened to me after the Eclipse. Perhaps many of you have had that experience of going so deeply into the higher dimensions that you can no longer stay “awake” to the physical one. Interestingly, first we must learn to “stay awake” to our higher SELF and now we must remember how to “stay awake” to our physical self. Below is my experience. After “sleeping on” my experience, I added more to it this morning.)
June 5, 2012

I want to remember, I want to remember, are the words that I woke up with this morning. I want to totally release my abduction experience so that it will no longer stand in the way of fully experiencing my reality on the Starship. I know that I have a reality on Athena Starship, I think, but my experience of it is very fuzzy. When I go inside to ask why it is not clearer, I always hear that it is because of the trauma I still hold of being abducted on the Zeta Ship.

Yesterday I found a message from the Arcturians about my abduction that I received back on December 12, 2010 that totally validates my experience. Even when I wrote and read the message, I still totally forgot it. I do not want to forget what is frightening any more. It is holding me back to have any secrets from my self. I am ready to totally remember and release this, and all, trauma that has haunted me my entire life!

Dear Arcturians,
Please answer my questions:
  1. Do we need to go into the terror part of a traumatic event in order to release it?
  2. I think that I have been pretty dark/frightened/angry the last couple of days. Is this behavior part of my process of remembering and release?
  3. My dreams this morning were continuous visions about my clearing process. Even though I woke up saying “I want to remember”, I can’t remember them. Can you please assist me with all of these questions?
Dear Suzille,
We, your Arcturian Family, will happily assist you with all of your questions. Therefore, we will assist you to remember, through the flow of our consciousness that which you are experiencing in your higher states of consciousness, such as being on our Starship.

Releasing the Habit of Being Third Dimensional

Channeled by Suzanne Lie
February 21, 2012

Dear Ones,
We the Arcturian expression of our many grounded ones wish to assist you in releasing the habit of being third dimensional. This habit, like all habits, is a set of behaviors that originate in your unconscious mind. Therefore, you are not consciously aware of these habitual actions, thoughts and emotions.

Hence, you do not know the reason for these habits. To change a habit you must bring up from your unconscious mind and into your conscious awareness. Once you can consciously observe your habit, you can begin to change it.

At first, you may not be aware that certain habitual actions, thoughts make you feel unhappy. However, if you continue to observe when you feel unhappy, you can begin to trace that feeling back to its source. For example, you may not know why you are feeling anxious for quite a while, but you keep observing your self. Then once day, you realize that a certain thought, that used to be unconscious and is now conscious, always makes you feel anxious.


Suzan Carroll: The Seeding of Earth

In this third part of her August message, the Arcuturians through Suzan Carroll look at the history of Atlantis and Lemuria. Although the Arcturians don’t mention the name of those who went underground, I assume these are the Agarthans.

August 2010

There are many different versions of humanity because Earth has been “seeded” by numerous worlds throughout the Milky Way, as well as other Galaxies. To tell our story about the seeding of Earth we start, not at the beginning, but many cycles and millions of years after the initial seedings of Earth. A seeding of a planet is much like a seeding of the ground. Seeds are planted in the hope that they will grow and prosper. In the same fashion, beings from different planets, galaxies and dimensions, planted their “seeds” in the hope that they could live, grow and prosper on a new, young (in planetary terms) world.

Suzan Carroll: Looking into Your Self

The second part of Suzan Carroll’s message for August 2010 from the Arcturians. One of the interesting comments they make us that our light body can be in the Fifth Dimension and our “lower resonance of Self” extending down to the Third Dimension.
I haven’t seen too many discussions of the point but we must be able to be in two dimensions at once or how else will the Ascended Masters be able to be in their dimension and ours simultaneously? I haven’t really looked into the matter yet.

August 2010

Through remembering realities in which you embraced the unconditional nature of love which Flows from the fifth dimension and beyond, you can replace your old, protective mechanism with the love and light of the ONE.

Suzanne Carroll: Switching Channels

Suzan Carroll has sent a transmission from the Arcturians that is very interesting but somewhat long so I’ll be breaking it down into three parts. Notice again the cryptic asides that Ascension is not as far off as we think. Also notice the reminder to us that we need to complete our unfinished business, by which is meant our issues, resentments, etc.
August 2010

Blessings. We are the Arcturians, here to usher you back into the Arcturian Corridor. Just as there are earthly portals, which are opened by your love for Gaia, there are portals in outer space that are opened by your love for Spirit. All of these portals are always available, just beyond the limitations of your third dimensional perceptions. Therefore, we wish to further educate you regarding the care and maintenance of your new Operating System, which will expand your perceptions beyond all physical limitations.


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